14 September 2022

19:00: Informal get-together at Hotel Engiadina for a little tour through Zuoz

20:00: Dinner at Hotel Crush Alva. (not included in participation fee)

15 September 2022

8:00: Registration, coffee and tea
8:30: Welcome – we start!
8:45 Keynote Data protection and data security by design” (Prof. Lee Bygrave. UiO, Norway)
9:20 Workshops
Workshop 1: Web 2.0 to Web3 – privacy considerations outside-the-block (Daniel Schönberger, Web3 Foundation (W3F), Switzerland)
Workshop 2: Transparency and data subject rights (Jutta Oberlin, Google & Christian Kunz, Bär & Karrer, Switzerland)
10:20 Round-Up together
10:50 Coffee Break
11:20 Workshops
Workshop 3: How to keep your DPA happy? (Claudius Ettlinger, Swiss National Railway (SBB), Switzerland)
Workshop 4: How to get to the Cloud? (Nicolas Passadelis, Swisscom, Switzerland)
12:00 Lunch
14:00 Round-Up together
14:30 Workshops
Workshop 5: Personal data processing, its data model, vocabulary and output (Georg Krog, Signatu, Switzerland)
Workshop 6: How to do a proper DPIA together with cyber security analysis? (Kristian Foss, Bull, Norway)
15:30 Round-Up together
16:00 Coffee Break

Time to powder your nose

19:30 – Meet & greet
D APT gallery – art, chat and bubbles
20:30 – Dinner
At informal Dorta, local place in town


16 September 2022

8:30 Coffee/tea
9:00 Keynote “The future of adtech: alternatives to contextual advertising?” (Dr. Rob van Eijk, Future of Privacy Forum, Netherlands)
9:45 Workshops
Workshop 7: Privacy challenges of smart devices (Andreea Lisievici, Privacy and Data Protection Specialist, Global Privacy Office Boeing)
Workshop 8: The interplay between the AI Regulation and the GDPR – transparency, subject rights, ethics (Federico Marengo, Privacy Consultant at White Label Consultancy)
10:45 Round-Up together
11:15 Coffee Break
11:45 Workshops
Workshop 9: AI developments: How to implement data privacy in a world of data science and development? (Carmen De la Cruz, LEXellence, Switzerland)
Workshop 10: GDPR-certification (Cécile Théard-Jallu, De Gaulle Fleurance, France & Sébastien Ziegler, Europrivacy, Luxembourg)
12:45 Barbeque lunch
Barbeque-with-a-view at the terrace of Lyceum Alpinum Boarding School. “A different take on privacy” – a few words over our meals. After lunch Reflection and discussions in the hills, the town or in the valley.
14:45 Round-Up together
15:15 Combined Workshop
Workshop 11:
Confidential Computing & PrivacyTech (David Sturzenegger & Matthias Eigenmann, Decentriq, Switzerland; Lukas Bühlmann & Michael Reinle, MLL Legal, Switzerland)
16:45 Coffee Break

No set programme. Dine with new or old friends.